New Recruit (8)Full unit name: New Recruit
Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:34:24
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Tython
Events: Flesh Raider Uprising
Flesh Raider Uprising
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (8)
This event took place on the planet Tython
during the Flesh Raider uprising
Flesh Raider Uprising
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
shortly before the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Trea Kobbeth, a Twi'lek Pilgrim
Twi'lek Pilgrims
Planetary and Sector
in Kalikori village, begged the duo
Tython Jedi Duo
Temporary Unions
of Padawans
Jedi Padawan
to help rescue her son, Viyo
Viyo Kobbeth
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who was kidnapped by Flesh Raiders
Flesh Raider Forces
Planetary and Sector
who attacked
Early Skirmishes
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
the village a week ago. She had previously visited the Jedi Temple and begged for help, so she thought the duo had been sent to help her. She said that he was last seen by the scouts on Tythos Ridge where Flesh Raiders had a camp, wounded but alive, and may have left his satchel behind as a signal to any rescuers. The Padawans agreed to help and went to the mountains.
The Padawans found a satchel near one of the Flesh Raider tents, and it was when a young Twi'lek
Sentient Species
- Viyo - and a lone Flesh Raider came out of it. Viyo told the Padawans that he was abducted by a Force-sensitive Flesh Raider named Fashk
(Flesh Raider)
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who abandoned the Flesh Raiders and revealed his desires to join the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
instead since he wanted to control his Force abilities through training. Fashk wished to become a better hunter through fine control of the Force, and the Padawans believed it would be best if Fashk could at least be evaluated by the Jedi Masters
Jedi Master
at the Temple. The Padawans also knew that if Fashk was left to his own devices, there was always a chance he could fall to the dark side.
The Padawans then met with Jedi Master Strayen
Minor Characters (TOR)
to discuss the issue, in which they agreed on the matter that he had to be trained. They went to Tythos River Valley and delivered the news along with a medallion to ensure Fashk's safe entry into the Temple. The Flesh Raider released Viyo to the Padawans and immediately headed for the Temple. Viyo safely returned to Kalikori village and reunited with his mother.
The duo later visited the village and Trea thanked them for all they had done, promising that she would always say a kind word for the Jedi Order.
See also
Related organizations
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Padawan Hero of TythonJedi Padawan Barsen'thorJedi Master StrayenRanksJedi PadawanHero of TythonBarsen'thorJedi MasterStrayenWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsTraining SaberHero of TythonBarsen'thorL2 Jedi LightsaberStrayen
Flesh Raider ForcesStructureCharactersFashkSentient speciesFlesh RaiderFashkWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 ElectrobladeFashk
Twi'lek PilgrimsStructureCharactersTrea KobbethViyo KobbethSentient speciesTwi'lekTrea KobbethViyo Kobbeth
Tython Jedi DuoStructureCharactersHero of TythonBarsen'thorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsTraining SaberHero of TythonBarsen'thor
Related units, characters and other technologies
Barsen'thorMembershipTython Jedi DuoJedi OrderJedi Padawan Barsen'thorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsTraining SaberRelationsYuon Par (Master)
Hero of TythonMembershipTython Jedi DuoJedi OrderJedi Padawan Hero of TythonWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsTraining SaberRelationsOrgus Din (Master)
FashkMembershipFlesh Raider ForcesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 Electroblade
Trea KobbethMembershipTwi'lek Pilgrims
Viyo KobbethMembershipTwi'lek Pilgrims
StrayenMembershipJedi OrderJedi Master StrayenWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL2 Jedi Lightsaber
Flesh RaiderWere among members ofFlesh Raider ForcesFashk
Twi'lekWere among members ofTwi'lek PilgrimsTrea KobbethViyo Kobbeth
Jedi PadawanMembershipJedi OrderHero of TythonBarsen'thor
Jedi MasterMembershipJedi OrderStrayen
Complete list

Full unit name: New Recruit Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:34:24